dimanche 8 mai 2011

Mother and son .

Are you still alive my old lady ?
I'm alive , Peace to you and peace
Let your house drawn
By that tremendous evening light that you like
They said to me that you are dying to see me
That you are worried too much about me ?
And that you are always screaming at night
Thinking that someone stabbed me at a bar
It's ok Mother ! be well
It's just a Painful delirium
I'm not a drunk and I don't like bars
I'm not gonna die before I see you
I'm still nice like I used to be
I dream only of one thing
To run away fastly from the troubled sadness
And come back to our low ceiling house
I will come back I will...
In a condition , you will not wake me up at the daybreak
I'm sick , Disadvantaged and tired too early
You are my beauty and my happiness
You are my tremendous evening light.
October 2007.

jeudi 5 mai 2011

I've been through a lot this days , I mean I saw luck but I didn't catch it and Unhappiness saw me and cought me ! yep I'm that guy who almost died like 7 times but finally here I am staring at you with a silly smile !
Nevermind , I missed you my little tiny blog with no readers , But I'm here today to just say :
Long live the Capitano ! you are one of the lights that draw a smile on my sick face , Congrats for the new record , and like a girl in a italian forum said once :
" Francesco Totti is better than my dream boy , He is REAL !" and my friend you coloured my days with soccer , I mean player comes and goes , teams wins and loose but you are always standing like a mountain never cared for money or fame or titles , you were just their for your city rejecting money titles and fame .
I mean my friends are rights , I always have a complicated choice in life and one of those is Francesco Totti . I do have principles in soccer too you know ?
this is just a small thing for a player that I will dedicate a whole topic for...stay tunned 0 readers !