vendredi 25 mars 2011

The day I was born

In this day, 21 years ago I was born; the tranquility put me on the hands of this existence full of screaming, fights and wars. I've walked 21 times through the sun, I don't know how much the moon walked over me but I didn't recognize the secrets of light neither the mysteries of darkness.
I've walked 21 times with the earth, the moon, the sun and the other planets over the truth and the inner me is whispering many names many definitions and many interpretations of a daily life that I didn't recognize yet.
21 years ago the hand of existence wrote me as a word in the book of this strange world full of meanings. Here I am an important word, I have many meanings, sometimes I may refer to nothing, sometimes I may refer to everything,
Those thoughts and ideas souvenirs too are crowded in my head in this date of every year , It's sticking in my memory showing me the ghosts of the past nights , Then it's blown like the wind blows everything.
In this day from every year, The ghosts that drawn my life came running to me from everywhere , besieging me and singing all the sad songs , Then it disappears like a swarm who landed on a place without finding what to eat , it speedy goes and look for another convenient place.
I close my eyes and I look again to the mirror, I only see myself , I stare to myself I don't see anything but sadness , I talk to sadness but she won't speak she's mute and if she spokes her talks would be sweeter than joy.
In the past 21 years I loved a lot , I loved what people hated and I hated what people loved , what I loved when I was young I still love it now , and I will love it to the end of my life , those things are the only things I have .
I loved Freedom , My love grows while I was knowing peoples' modern slavery ( Marriage , Work) even if I liked those slaves , I sympathized with them I might be one of them one day , no need to misjudged them if I will be like them..
I loved Happiness like everyone , I woke up everyday asking for it like everyone ask for it , But I never found it on their ways , I didn't even see the footsteps of happiness on the sound around their castles , I didn't even hear the echo of happiness's voice out from their windows .
I love the people I mean I loved them a lot , The people in my imaginary are three: One likes the life , the second Bless it , the third contemplate it . I loved the first one for it's misery, the second for his kindness, and the third for his brain.
It’s just a view from the window of my life, a Bittersweet symphony , a tear and a smile this is my life ..

14 August 2010

Le Cœur Innombrable - Anna de Noailles

1 commentaires:

Blogger FMR a dit...

cela fait longtemps que je l'attends, et que je l'implore, de te lire.. et en parlant de cette '' happiness'' que tout le monde attend et cherche, je pensais simplement à ces mots que j'attendais de lire.. pour moi c'en est un bonheur!

sometimes u may refer to everythg

28 mars 2011 à 02:55  

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